Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Great Indian Novel

I was never a big fan of Shashi Tharoor's columns in The Hindu. Though I thought he was very good looking :P But then when he stood for elections in the last general elections, there was so much hoopla around him that I got curious. I decided I should read one of his books before I decide I don't like his writing at all. And so I picked The great Indian Novel. I had absolutely no idea what the book was about, hadn't even read a blurb! Imagine my surprise when I realise that the book is satire on Indian politics written the Mahabharatha way. Maha = Great, Bharatha = Indian Novel...get it?

Anyways the book is a bit difficult to read and my state of affairs doessn't permit me to think too much while reading so I am totally losing on the satire end. I read 30 pages and all i figured out was Bhishma = Gandhi (Gandhiji is Gangaji) But I like what I have read so far. The pun (for I can't think of any other word) we like. I don't think anyone can write a book like this now (this was written 2 decates ago) and get away with it. There would be too many protests and the book might be banned.

But no time for the rest so I will come back to it when I have time.

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