Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gone with the wind - Margaret Mitchell

How I loved this book! Despite being a hundred years old in every sense. I loved it. I haven't watched the film. I try not to watch the films before reading a book. And this one was worth the wait. The mega book took me two weeks to finish but well :)

I am astonished at the time warp we are in after reading the book. Take the ideas in the book like how women are expected behave to get a man. It hasn't changed since the 1800s! The fact about pregnancy being too delicate a subject to even discuss with your husband let alone be seen in public. My god it still happens! The fact that Scarlett can do math quicker than her husband offends him so much. And I know such show of intelligence isn't acceptable even today! We have moved to internet era from quills, hemlines may have risen but somethings have remained the same! Incredible!!!!

I was also pleasantly surprised at how Scarlett's character was created. She's not your average damsel in distress beauty. She had gumption. She had thoughts that weren't "respectable." She went after what she wanted single mindedly. And she was still the heroine. Where we have such women now in literray or celluloid? In real life such women have to masquerade as damsels in distress to save their sanity if anything!

As for Rhett Butler. I would've loved to meet a man like that.

The American civil war details however didn't register entirely. For I do not have enough context or background info for it. The fact that my knowledge of American Geography is non-exstent didn't help the matters. I will have to some research on this one.

My rating 5 on 5

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