This is Terry Pratchett's 6th book in the Discworld series. The theme is very serious - the effect the words can have on reality. There are three witches, one duke and duchess, a king's ghost, a fool, an actor and a very angry kingdom. But the twisted humour (I can't think of anything else to describe Pratchett's style) makes it so much more enjoyable than anything on the samelines that has been said at least a few dozen times.
Wikipedia tells me that this book is a homage to Shakespeare's Macbeth. I don't remember much of it but it might be true. Although I certainly prefer Wyrd Sisters to Macbeth. Sorry Shakespeare :)
The book made me think about the history that as we know now. If all it takes is words to remember it, then anyone with a little creativity and some might can alter it and we won't even realise. Isn't that what's happening right now? The rights and the wrongs of history, that is irrefutable when it is happening can be changes just as easily when it is just a memory.
My rating 3.5 on 5